Friday, August 11, 2006

Death Cab For Cutie Pix!

Jason - drummer would have been cooler to see him more often, but standing near the stage was not possible.
Nick- reminded me of the tazmanian devil of Warner Brother cartoon fame, had the front of the stage where he vigorously and enthusiastically played. Amazing amount of energy.
Chris - on the right side facing the stage (guitar/vocals/keys) was interesting to watch. On Soul Meets Body, he would hold up his left hand as he sang the octave falsetto with head phones. The way he struts on the stage looked very stiff but unique. His luscious guitar licks in several songs made my neck tingle.
Ben - the heart of Death Cab for Cutie (front man/guitar/keys) was amazing to watch. Full of energy and literally drenched and dripping of sweat, was vocally perfect. I was amazed at the energy of the band. His birthday apparently was that evening and he was in the Bay Area on his birthday apparently last year.

Aaron and I actually the 2nd night photo where he stood about 30 feet from the stage to see the whole stage better. I sat on the throne seats about where the sound man was. :)

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