Friday, June 15, 2007

my new toy.... happy father's day!

Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa) w LED screen.
Appropriately I was watching "INSOMNIA".

My Powerbook Lombard (G3) finally "died". Well I think it still can be revived with a "new" used CPU card. I pulled my hard drive out of my Lombard.
I happen to already have an external firewire enclosure so when I first booted my MBPro it asked me if I wanted to transfer information from another "computer" in this case a firewire drive. After transferring about 40 gigs of information which took less than an hour, I was up and running with no problems. Lombard had Panther installed, the new MBPro had Tiger... so... kudos to Apple for making things smooth...
I'm enjoying this immensely!

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