Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Police & Foo Fighters June 23

It was a fun Saturday, when the Police and Foo Fighters played at Dodgers Stadium.
My only negative was that Dodger Stadium needs to be rebuilt. It's old, and really not ideal for a concert.
(never go to a concert at a sporting arena, because the seating is not conducive to music.

Friday, June 15, 2007

my new toy.... happy father's day!

Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa) w LED screen.
Appropriately I was watching "INSOMNIA".

My Powerbook Lombard (G3) finally "died". Well I think it still can be revived with a "new" used CPU card. I pulled my hard drive out of my Lombard.
I happen to already have an external firewire enclosure so when I first booted my MBPro it asked me if I wanted to transfer information from another "computer" in this case a firewire drive. After transferring about 40 gigs of information which took less than an hour, I was up and running with no problems.
Note...my Lombard had Panther installed, the new MBPro had Tiger... so... kudos to Apple for making things smooth...
I'm enjoying this immensely!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Kern River White Water Rafting

My first time white water rafting. Aaron and I and several of our co-workers went to the Kern River on Sunday for white water rafting. It was a glorious day, warm and the rafting was exhilirating. Aaron fell in the "Hot Mama" rapids, and he was quickly rescued by us and he was fine. Thank God.