Sunday, November 18, 2007

More Photos from last night...

Another reminder that Christmas season has started.

A night in riverside

Last Night, after taking a long nap...I decided to go to Mario's place. It was late around 11 pm when I got there, and surprisingly a band which I have enjoyed in the past played (Jazz Junkies). I had Mario's famous thin crust Pancetta Pizza--delicious by the way, and a Heffeweitzen beer.
As the band started closing out the set I closed my tab and asked for change and gave a tip to the band and asked them to play anything from Steely Dan. They said they would after this next song.
These guys (Jazz Junkies) have been playing for over 20 years together and it showed....they were tight! And the steely Dan song they played was Josie.

Afterwards I noticed the outside air was starting to thicken with fog and noticed an alleyway and thought it would be a good photo, so I reached for the camera (Canon S3 IS) and to a few shots outside Mario's place.

Monday, October 01, 2007

The Dumbing Down Love

Music and Lyrics by Frou Frou

The Dumbing Down of Love

Well painted passion
You rightly suspect
The dumbing down of love
Jaded in anger
Love underwhelms you
No box of chocolates
Whichever way you fall
And if I tell you
Lover alone without love
What will happen
Lover alone without love
Will you miss him?
Lover alone without--without love
No, no I'll get this
I want to treat you
You're still not famous
And you haven't struck it rich
'Cause no one's receiving
This tunnel vision
It's turning out all wrong
And if I tell you
Lover alone without love
What will happen
Lover alone without love
Will you miss him?
Love alone without, without love
Music is worthless, unless it can
Make a complete stranger
Break down and cry
And if I tell you
Lover alone without love
And what will happen
Lover alone without love
And will you listen
Lover alone without, without love
Without love
Without love

Monday, September 17, 2007

apple store victoria gardens...

It was a typical Sunday afternoon at the Apple Store...The Victoria Garden Apple Store is waay too small for the area. It's the closest Apple Store where I live.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Minor League Baseball

san berdoo's own 66'ers

my cousin's wedding

August 26 - Beverly Hills at the home of billionaire Lou Gonda, my cousin and her soon to be husband were married.

pool fun

Friends and kids just escaping from the heat one summer day during the heatwave of '07 Aug-Sept

Friday, August 24, 2007

Family Force 5 on TV (Love Addict)

These guys were awesome at Spirit West Coast. As you can see they do have a lot of fun on stage. :):)

Aaron's High School (Home School) Graduation

Aaron, along with 9 other home schooled high-schoolers graduated in front of hundreds of adoring friends and family at the Radisson Hotel on 8/12/07. It was quite an intimate affair because each graduate had a moment to share their homeschool experience along with their parent(s). A couple of the parents who talked were quite amusing and all had funny moments during their time on the stage. Also, during the ceremony there were a photo tribute by each student with a slide show showing each graduate when they were a child to current photos.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Esterlyn - a surprising new band

This band (Esterlyn) I discovered while attending the Spirit West Coast Monterey. I like this band. The compositions are well done. Right now they don't have a CD out but they are soon to release their first debut Cd... visit them at

Monday, August 06, 2007

Spirit West Coast bands 2007

Here are Switchfoot, David Crowder Band
and one of the surprise bands at Spirit West Coast Monterey: Family Force 5

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Police & Foo Fighters June 23

It was a fun Saturday, when the Police and Foo Fighters played at Dodgers Stadium.
My only negative was that Dodger Stadium needs to be rebuilt. It's old, and really not ideal for a concert.
(never go to a concert at a sporting arena, because the seating is not conducive to music.

Friday, June 15, 2007

my new toy.... happy father's day!

Macbook Pro (Santa Rosa) w LED screen.
Appropriately I was watching "INSOMNIA".

My Powerbook Lombard (G3) finally "died". Well I think it still can be revived with a "new" used CPU card. I pulled my hard drive out of my Lombard.
I happen to already have an external firewire enclosure so when I first booted my MBPro it asked me if I wanted to transfer information from another "computer" in this case a firewire drive. After transferring about 40 gigs of information which took less than an hour, I was up and running with no problems. Lombard had Panther installed, the new MBPro had Tiger... so... kudos to Apple for making things smooth...
I'm enjoying this immensely!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Kern River White Water Rafting

My first time white water rafting. Aaron and I and several of our co-workers went to the Kern River on Sunday for white water rafting. It was a glorious day, warm and the rafting was exhilirating. Aaron fell in the "Hot Mama" rapids, and he was quickly rescued by us and he was fine. Thank God.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

taco mesa again....

After I dropped my folks at LAX, I decided to drive home the long way and went to Orange county where I always try to stop by one of my favorite Mexican food place- Taco Mesa. Tonight I had the chicken enchiladas Poblano... yum!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

My taco... in blue...

Just another look at my truck...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

black and white fender jazz headstock

It's been a couple weeks since I have posted anything...
this photo was actually taken by my son. I just monochromed it...

Sunday, March 11, 2007

We can't choose how we die, but we can choose how we live..

It's Sunday, recovering from the flu, I watched TV...namely Extreme Makover. This particular episode involved a single mother and a family where she had lost a 16 year old son in a tragic car accident, just outside their gate. This episode hit home, since I do have a son who just started driving. Well, a couple times the episode almost brought me to tears. One... was when the family met the girl who got the son's heart, because he was an organ donor.
Anyway... just a thought that every moment we live, we should live it to the fullest.

Take a moment every day to say "I love you" to the ones you love.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

last weekend in Los Angeles...

Last weekend my son and I went to L.A. for one of his regional piano competitions.
We had an opportunity to visit Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) and of course the Disney Music Hall was nearby. This part of Los Angeles is actually pretty nice. :)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just around the corner from Hobo's

Quaint shops around Redlands. . .

Hobo Redlands

Used clothing at reasonable prices... come check it out.

Monday, February 26, 2007

fancy the clouds....

Driving along the 215 freeway coming home from Rancho Cucamonga, the clouds and the scene was spectacular that day. Unfortunately we were driving... it's the best we could do photographically at the time. Taken with the Agfa Isolette folding camera...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

finally understanding machiatto

Well... i finally think my Sylvia is working properly. I got a good batch of coffee from Stells, and filtered water, a 58mm tamper (which my son got me for my birthday). So here's a shot of the day... actually two shots of the day... ;)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

sunday dusk

A view from one of my favorite coffee house.... The sky that day was particularly beautiful.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I'm not saying good-bye neither...

This a dear friend, and one of my pastors of my church, Samir. Last night we had a "Farewell" party for him and his family, but many of us who have grown to value his contribution to our church did not want to say good-bye, but rather...have a safe trip to Manhattan and we are going to see you soon. He and his family is embarking along a spiritual journey and the longing and conviction of his life's ministry on "Learning to Love Well", which is also our church's mission. Visit Samir's Blog at: Read about Faith House Manahattan project.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Rancilio Sylvia...

I've had this Espresso Machine for over a year now... and it makes great espresso.

Monday, February 05, 2007


48: the anniversary of my Years on earth... today.
Thanks to those who took the time to wish me a happy birthday.
Larry and Sherrie

I really didn't do anything special today. I wanted to have this day off, but with an important event at work, I could not. So, I put in 12 hours today from 6am to 6pm. Maybe this weekend I can celebrate a little.

A prayer for a couple of friends....

I'm not the one who would post a prayer wish for anyone, but I have a couple of friends who are going through a tough time right now, and I would like to publicly (albeit anonymously) pray for them.
Friend #1 lives in Jakarta, which right now is suffering from severe rains and flooding. Thankfully my friend is safe, but is only 150 meters from the river. She said she had to buy bottled water to take a "bath" since there is no running water. Pray for her and family's safety.... and running water soon!

Friend #2 is going through a tough challenge against her insurance carrier who is fighting her for her claims of disability. Pray she stays strong and prevails against the unfairness of the insurance company---Prudential.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Lenny and Burton Friends

Lenny is a professional percussionist and Burton plays saxophone.
Taken after church...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

photo a day

This was taken at A Dong a small vietnamese restaurant. They have the best "Pho" soup. Beef noodle soup... This dish happens to be a Beef BBQ with rice noodles. Yummm!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007

the Shins free concert at the Amoeba/hollywood

Last night we attempted to go to a free concert at Amoeba Records where The Shins were giving a free concert. Needless to say the stopped the line and we were about 5 people from gettig in. What a bummer. I think we may have to see them in a real concert.

Thursday, January 18, 2007