Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Children's Learning

I live where there is quite a stark contrast between those who have and those who don't have. Just down the street there are neighbors who live near or at below the povery line. Today I decided to help. The Children's Learning Garden is sponsored the local Medical Center and it's purpose is to take care of children with after school programs by tutoring, health care education, arts/music, gardening, and more. Today, the place needed help in basically upkeep, and cleaning up. Ironically, I was prepared to get my hands dirty, but the Director of the program (Dr. Ron Graybill) directed me to take photos. Next time in about 6 weeks we go at it again. If you are interested in helping please visit their website

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in the same type of neighborhood. Glad to see you get involved.