Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Illusionist

Today I saw the Illusionist with some friends. It was their first and it was my 2nd time. The first time I saw the movie, I was enthralled by the movie, love story, and satisfying ending. For those who have seen it you know what I mean, but for those who haven't, I recommend it highly. Typically, I do not see a movie twice, but this one I wanted to see the 2nd time so I could share my thoughts about the movie with others, and to see their reaction. There is really nothing controversial or earth-shaking here, it is just a very entertaining move. I would give it a 8.9 out of 10.
Check out the Tomato Meter rating of this movie Here.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Children's Learning

I live where there is quite a stark contrast between those who have and those who don't have. Just down the street there are neighbors who live near or at below the povery line. Today I decided to help. The Children's Learning Garden is sponsored the local Medical Center and it's purpose is to take care of children with after school programs by tutoring, health care education, arts/music, gardening, and more. Today, the place needed help in basically upkeep, and cleaning up. Ironically, I was prepared to get my hands dirty, but the Director of the program (Dr. Ron Graybill) directed me to take photos. Next time in about 6 weeks we go at it again. If you are interested in helping please visit their website

Saturday, September 16, 2006


my eyes have seen you
with and without my glasses
love in my mind's eye

Friday, September 15, 2006

Death Cab for Cutie December 5

Death Cab For Cutie at Bren Events Center - 12/5/2006, 8:00 pm UC Irvine~ yay!
who wants to go? I've got one xtra ticket...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

More from the Bowl last night.

It was a fun evening. John Williams had some funny moments when during the Star Wars songs, all the light sabres were lit up, and he turn around towards the audience as if to encourage them and conduct the kids with the light sabers. At one point the crowd was responding to the kids that started lining up with their light sabers and started marching down the isles in single file.
I wished they had played the theme from the Olympics. BTW they also played music from other composers... especially from the Hitchcock films, Psycho, Vertigo, and North by Northwest.

John Williams L.A. Phil at the Bowl!

Aaron and I went last night to see one of the most prolific and extremely popular composer of music for cinema. John Williams, along with the L.A. Philharmonic. It was an amazing evening which climaxed with Superman; E.T., Jaws, Indiana Jones, Star Wars medley; Imperial March, ...and more... it was fun to see the light sabres go up when all the Star Wars songs played.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Birthday and Baby Shower

Wednesday - At work we had a double celebration. One of our employees was her birthday and the other is having a baby shower. It was fun. Many participated and brought food. The highlight was the one having the shower had no idea about it and totally was suprised and was overcomed with emotion and started crying.