Monday, June 26, 2006

My cousin has colon cancer age 35

Cancer is one of those diseases that sneaks up on you. This colon cancer snuck up on my cousin, Orville. He is 35 and has a family of 3 small children and a wife. It makes it even more difficult as he is the head nurse in a community hospital where he is currently a patient. He found out about the cancer quite by accident, when he noticed bleeding possibly when he went to the bathroom.... this was in January 2006. Since then he has undergone at least 3 different surgeries to remove the cancerous colon and associated lymphnodes.

I must admit not being very close to my cousin since we really grew up on two distant countries. I visited him in his hospital room yesterday (Sunday), and spent several hours just talking. I offered him any help he needed since there are 3 small children to take care of at home (his wife works as a nurse too), and any kind of assistance he needed.

I and our family continually pray for his full recovery. Cancer is something that no-one should every get, but it does strike... and sometimes devastingly. Pray for Orville's recovery.

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