Thursday, April 06, 2006

My Illegal Immigration 2 cents

1st Cent: Illegal immigration is what it is: A citizen from another country entering a country illegally.

2nd Cent: The fix?
1. Enforce current laws
2. Illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. should be documented and decide really if they want to be U.S. citizens,and get behind the line; if not? Leave or be deported.
3. Tighten the border enforcement.

"We need immigrants for work that Americans won't do."
Does this mean that immigrants then can be exploited? Of course not! These jobs are rejected by americans because of their low wages for the type of work. Immigrants take these jobs because the pay compared to their country of origin is a goldmine by their standars, but not by american standards.
Immigrants that only come to the U.S. for work and low pay, seem to only want to keep their allegiance to their home country and not become U.S. citizens. They have created for themselves small immigrant communities that do not challenge their culture or language, and not challenge them to assimilate to become U.S. citizens. They simply want to stay Mexican, or other Latinians... because we (the U.S.citizens and government) made it too easy for them to not assimilate.

I put the blame on U.S. citizens to to let this illegal immigration problem go on too long and now it has become too big a problem to solve without some pain involved.

BTW: I am a naturalized citizen, and I did it the legal way.

1 comment:

Melvin said...

there`s humor but much truth the words you speak