Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A terrible coincidence...about Seattle.

What is it about Seattle? A place that is surrounded by water. Enchanting, almost an escape. A different place that forces you to think about where you are and where you should be going?
The terrible coincidence about Seattle started in the early 90's where my then wife and I decided we had enough of Southern california and wanted to a change so we visited Washington State...particularly Seattle.
To make the long story short. Our lives was in a turmoil, but we hid it well from our friends and family. Our marriage was not doing very well, and we both wanted to save it. Thinking if we move to Seattle area, we could start fresh.
Anyway, we returned to so-cal, and my then wife dropped the bomb. She wanted to separate.

Fast forward to 2006. Just came back from Seattle to attend a friend's wedding. But again, Seattle took one of our friend's marriage apart. I just heard tonight that our friends who went up to Seattle, are now separated. Seattle is a curse! I say.

I am very saddened by the news, and I ask you to pray for them, and that this separation will become a reconciliaition. If not reconciliation, a healthy separation. If there is such a thing. I am a lost for words, because I will miss one of them at church, maybe both as they sort their lives.

Another thought.... if a couple met in Seattle and fell in love, will they never be apart?

Good night... I am not going to sleep well tonight.


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