Saturday, December 23, 2006

Duelling Pianos...

A snapshot of a moment of music between friends.... They were playing Coldplay's Clocks...

My niece and nephews

blake (oldest)

Happy Holidays!

Blessings to you this Christmas... and a joyous NEW YEAR!

lensbaby effect...

this is a lot next to my house taken with a flash off a Canon S3 IS. Then the Kent_lensblur (lensbaby effect action) applied to it... Lensbaby is this amazing lens with selective focus and wonderful blur effects.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Vintage Nikon F Photomic body

recently my passion for film photography has been re-ignited. I'm scanning old negatives from the past and this particular photo was taken as a test shot by a Minolta camera (maxxum 5)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins

Jenny Lewis with the Watson Twins

This was taken last night at UC Irvine's Bren Center. They opened for Death Cab for Cutie.... one word: Unusual.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

archives... ex g/f from the 90's

Just digging through some old photos and I came up with a photo of an ex g/f from the mid 90's. Cynthia where ever you are, I hope all is well. ;) Desert Hot Springs Spa.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Jeans up close...

Wedding at Newport Beach

I helped with a wedding today at beautiful Newport Beach. The wedding was in a huge yacht and we had about 80 people on board. Yes, I was the DJ. Actually, I was the "DJ" on most of the parties we had back in my high school and college days. Ali and Pam were married today, and the irony is that Pam was married to a friend of ours too. BTW, Ali was my best man at my wedding.

Aztec Calendar...

I went to an exhibit of world religions at the Stahl Center. This was an Aztec calendar. The exhibit included different religion's take on different aspects... some of which were ways different religions fixes what's broken... but the main discussion was about the recent sectarian violence between the different sects of the Moslem faith, and how religious violence is mostly at its core a human choice... think about this statement: If you had a choice to denounce the name of Jesus only to exhibit what Jesus would do and you choose to to denounce the name of Jesus... does God looks at that favorably or not?

I'm blue...

Well, literally blue. This was taken yesterday at church in the sound booth area. Photoshopped and enhanced. Today I will go to a wedding in Newport a yach no doubt. I will have photos tonight. Have a great Sunday.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

my new "old" toy

I recently been fascinated by medium format cameras and decided to get a vintage folding camera... Agfa Isolette III. This was originally made in the 50's and it's compactness and simple mechanism makes it ideal for candid photography. The fact it uses 120 film (4x larger than a 35 mm film), makes beautiful enlargements. It doesn't typically have the light leaks and vignetting like a Holga type camera, but I can't wait to see what kind of photos it takes.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

new but looking old...

my new tacoma made to look old... (repost)

Saturday, November 18, 2006

5th Street

Just one of the hidden streets of my town....

Breakfast at Denny's

couple weeks ago while having my car serviced I ate breakfast at Denny's

Friday, November 17, 2006

aaron christmas program elementary school

just posting some old film scans of aaron in elementary school christmas program.

Pat Metheny and I (circa 1990)

I was scanning through my old photos and came across a photo of me and Pat Metheny. I believe this was taken around 1990-ish when I saw the Pat Metheny Group at Royce Hall in UCLA. A brush with greatness indeed!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

playin' around with photoshop-holga

Here's a recent photo of son.. :)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Byron and Tracy Wedding

Yesterday I went to one of my friend's wedding. It was becautiful. :)
(I helped with technical sound engineering)

Thursday, November 09, 2006

real holga photo

This photo was scanned from a real Woca camera, which is a Holga camera with a glass lens. It was an experimental photo which inadvertently had mutliple exposures, becauße the camera film was not advanced.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Last Friday at Denny's

Last Friday, I had to get my truck serviced. Since it was a bit of a wait, I went to Denny's and had breakfast just to pass the time. Nothing like a Denny's breakfast in beautiful San Bernardino.
As I was waiting for my shuttle ride, I noticed a vintage 'vette outside Denny's and took a photo.
After that, I donated blood... and did some more errands. It's nice to have Fridays off sometimes...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Thanksgiving reminder....

I was shopping at a popular shopping center near my home, and took this photo... Again, I used a photoshop action called Old Toy Camera by Smaragd. Family and Friends for Thanksgiving is always a good time.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

holgafied digitally

So, here's a holgafied digital image. Actually I do like the way the photoshop plug-in modifies the original image... you can find that plug-in here <- this one was used on the lighter image, and another photoshop plug-in was used for the darker image. As you can see they vary, and actually in photoshop you can modify the effect of each plug-in to your liking. The second PS Action can be found at Adobe's website here.

what is this holga phenomenon?

Holga, is a cheap chinese made plastic camera with a fixed shutterspeed and a 3 focus settings, and an aperature setting, that is actually broken from the factory. It has been used by art photographers for its inherent "cheap-look" photo. Due to light leaks, plastic lens, and image abberations, the resulting photo looks "artsy". This photo was actually NOT taken by a Holga Camera, but rather it is a photshop plug-in that simulates a Holga photo.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

tried posting this a couple days ago...

but the servers were very busy... so here it is. This was taken at work on my lunch break. I just happened to bring my camera to work to show a friend the "new" used lens I got from ebay. outside were these plants and I wanted to take a photo to test the bokeh... have you heard about "bokeh"? It is a japanese word that means literally describing the aesthetic quality of the out-of-focus areas of an image. Well... to me the bokeh in this photo is pleasing... :)

update: apparently blogger has gone to potty... i can't upload this blog.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Praise Band 102106

It's gonna rock tomorrow as this band will lead out in worship. I wish I can be there.

At church practice w spectators...

Most friday nights,our praise and worship band practices at church. This particular night, a friend who is leading out brought some of their friends. These were the two "spectators" as they practiced, and I did sound engineering, and took photos of course. I wish I could be there tomorrow when my friend's band plays. Unfortunately, I have to work at the hospital.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Testing new 28-200 lens

Just got a lens I bid through Ebay. It's the Nikkor 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED-IF AF. More to follow as I play around with this lens.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

good evening

It's been awhile since I've posted, so Monday night I was about to go into the local coffee shop when through my truck's front windshield was this colorful cigar sign. Hmm I thought since I did get a quite fast lens I should probably test the lens (a Nikkor 50mm 1.8 AF) with the D50.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Havasupai #3 Proof I was there!

Ok... so was I there? Of course I was! This was taken as we hiked down a steep trail coming off the top of the falls (see previous photos). I think my legs were numb now and it was a nice little rest before walking down to the valley floor.

Havasupai #2 Anniversary October 2005

This is another photo looking down into the valley. Pretty isn't it?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Happy Anniversary - Havasupai October 2005

It was a year ago when I was invited to go for one of the only hikes I've been to and one of the most beautiful places in the U.S.A. to hike. The place is Havsupai, Arizona which is located within the Supai Indian Tribe. The photo above is taken at the mouth of the falls which is about a couple hundred feet tall). It is now October, and time sure has flew, I'm reminicing about the hike today and sort of miss doing something this time of year. Work has been a bit crazy and perhaps I can't really take off for any extended period of time. Anyway Happy Anniversary - Havasupai!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Illusionist

Today I saw the Illusionist with some friends. It was their first and it was my 2nd time. The first time I saw the movie, I was enthralled by the movie, love story, and satisfying ending. For those who have seen it you know what I mean, but for those who haven't, I recommend it highly. Typically, I do not see a movie twice, but this one I wanted to see the 2nd time so I could share my thoughts about the movie with others, and to see their reaction. There is really nothing controversial or earth-shaking here, it is just a very entertaining move. I would give it a 8.9 out of 10.
Check out the Tomato Meter rating of this movie Here.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Children's Learning

I live where there is quite a stark contrast between those who have and those who don't have. Just down the street there are neighbors who live near or at below the povery line. Today I decided to help. The Children's Learning Garden is sponsored the local Medical Center and it's purpose is to take care of children with after school programs by tutoring, health care education, arts/music, gardening, and more. Today, the place needed help in basically upkeep, and cleaning up. Ironically, I was prepared to get my hands dirty, but the Director of the program (Dr. Ron Graybill) directed me to take photos. Next time in about 6 weeks we go at it again. If you are interested in helping please visit their website

Saturday, September 16, 2006


my eyes have seen you
with and without my glasses
love in my mind's eye

Friday, September 15, 2006

Death Cab for Cutie December 5

Death Cab For Cutie at Bren Events Center - 12/5/2006, 8:00 pm UC Irvine~ yay!
who wants to go? I've got one xtra ticket...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

More from the Bowl last night.

It was a fun evening. John Williams had some funny moments when during the Star Wars songs, all the light sabres were lit up, and he turn around towards the audience as if to encourage them and conduct the kids with the light sabers. At one point the crowd was responding to the kids that started lining up with their light sabers and started marching down the isles in single file.
I wished they had played the theme from the Olympics. BTW they also played music from other composers... especially from the Hitchcock films, Psycho, Vertigo, and North by Northwest.