Sunday, November 18, 2007

More Photos from last night...

Another reminder that Christmas season has started.

A night in riverside

Last Night, after taking a long nap...I decided to go to Mario's place. It was late around 11 pm when I got there, and surprisingly a band which I have enjoyed in the past played (Jazz Junkies). I had Mario's famous thin crust Pancetta Pizza--delicious by the way, and a Heffeweitzen beer.
As the band started closing out the set I closed my tab and asked for change and gave a tip to the band and asked them to play anything from Steely Dan. They said they would after this next song.
These guys (Jazz Junkies) have been playing for over 20 years together and it showed....they were tight! And the steely Dan song they played was Josie.

Afterwards I noticed the outside air was starting to thicken with fog and noticed an alleyway and thought it would be a good photo, so I reached for the camera (Canon S3 IS) and to a few shots outside Mario's place.