Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just around the corner from Hobo's

Quaint shops around Redlands. . .

Hobo Redlands

Used clothing at reasonable prices... come check it out.

Monday, February 26, 2007

fancy the clouds....

Driving along the 215 freeway coming home from Rancho Cucamonga, the clouds and the scene was spectacular that day. Unfortunately we were driving... it's the best we could do photographically at the time. Taken with the Agfa Isolette folding camera...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

finally understanding machiatto

Well... i finally think my Sylvia is working properly. I got a good batch of coffee from Stells, and filtered water, a 58mm tamper (which my son got me for my birthday). So here's a shot of the day... actually two shots of the day... ;)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

sunday dusk

A view from one of my favorite coffee house.... The sky that day was particularly beautiful.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I'm not saying good-bye neither...

This a dear friend, and one of my pastors of my church, Samir. Last night we had a "Farewell" party for him and his family, but many of us who have grown to value his contribution to our church did not want to say good-bye, but rather...have a safe trip to Manhattan and we are going to see you soon. He and his family is embarking along a spiritual journey and the longing and conviction of his life's ministry on "Learning to Love Well", which is also our church's mission. Visit Samir's Blog at: http://samirselmanovic.typepad.com/ Read about Faith House Manahattan project.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Rancilio Sylvia...

I've had this Espresso Machine for over a year now... and it makes great espresso.

Monday, February 05, 2007


48: the anniversary of my Years on earth... today.
Thanks to those who took the time to wish me a happy birthday.
Larry and Sherrie

I really didn't do anything special today. I wanted to have this day off, but with an important event at work, I could not. So, I put in 12 hours today from 6am to 6pm. Maybe this weekend I can celebrate a little.

A prayer for a couple of friends....

I'm not the one who would post a prayer wish for anyone, but I have a couple of friends who are going through a tough time right now, and I would like to publicly (albeit anonymously) pray for them.
Friend #1 lives in Jakarta, which right now is suffering from severe rains and flooding. Thankfully my friend is safe, but is only 150 meters from the river. She said she had to buy bottled water to take a "bath" since there is no running water. Pray for her and family's safety.... and running water soon!

Friend #2 is going through a tough challenge against her insurance carrier who is fighting her for her claims of disability. Pray she stays strong and prevails against the unfairness of the insurance company---Prudential.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Lenny and Burton Friends

Lenny is a professional percussionist and Burton plays saxophone.
Taken after church...