Sunday, July 30, 2006

Boogie Boarding at Crystal Cove

Saturday at Crystal Cove

It was a very nice day for actually swimming in the Pacific Ocean. The water was "perfect" for just floating or just taking an extra long dip as the waves would crash towards you.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

more crystal cove photos...

This was taken last Saturday... it was a perfect day for swimming because the water was not too cold... :)

Friday, July 28, 2006

My Taco (ma)

It was another late Thursday night after praise practice. The light was particularly interesting as my Tacoma was parked in front of my church.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

well.... it's NOT sushi.

Well... ok... it's not sushi, but it is beach food. Hot dogs or Big Franks if you're vegetarian.

Sunset but no sushi...

This was taken at sunset. My camera's batteries were almost out and would only have enough juice to take a photo every 5 minutes. Sunset at Balboa yesteday...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

115f Degrees

Yesterday, it was the hottest day of the summer so far peaking out at about 115F. The church's airconditioning capacity was at it's max and the building never cooled below 80 degrees. Fortunately it was beach vespers day at Balboa and so right after church we drove down to the beach along with several thousand southern california residents to escape the heat. It was very nice. :) Later that evening it was cool enough to even wear a sweat shirt. about hi 60s. The water, surprisingly on the cold side was refreshing enough to those who challenged the high surf breaking on the shore.
It was a very nice time.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

China Islamic Restaurant

There is this wonderful Chinese Restaurant (China Islamic) in Monterey Park, which makes this delicious sesame layered bread. Uniquely islamic/chinese cuisine.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Can you think of something edible and deep-frying it? Go to ANY county fair and you will find things you wouldn't even think of deep-frying and it will be there... for a hefty price. In this case... Deep Fried Snickers.
(o.c. fair friday 7/7/06)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

more laguna beach day

relief from the heat...

today...was a good day for the beach. lots of people thought so too...