Sunday, April 30, 2006

Imogen Heap at coachella... very cool

She's amazing new artists... see also Frou Frou...

Crowds at Coachella (Indie Stage - Gobi)

Just a random photo I took behind me... I wasn't even looking who was behind me...

Oh... here's the schedule of our Coachella here

sunset and

playing with the wide angle converter lens on my Powershot s2
If you're interested this is where I got it. They make excellent lenses.
Click Here

Coachella Saturday 4/29/06

Waiting in line to get in....

Thursday, April 27, 2006

son's improvisation recital

Taken Saturday night april 22. A casual recital for improvisation in piano.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

two espresso....

Hi... this was taken with my new Powershot S2. I love espresso and this morning I had two shots to start my day.

Like the Desert Miss the Rain

I spent the weekend in Palm Springs with fellow believers to iron out the working structure of the church I attend and am heavily involved in. Only 45 miles away from home, Palm Springs was warm/hot and sunny and home was cloudy and raining. I took this photo with my new Powershot S2 and I love the macro capabilities of this camera. :)

Friday, April 21, 2006

safely home...

i was a little bored tonight. didn't have any plans really, so i washed my truck and drove to downtown. it was market night, i went to a popular taco stand and had a couple tacos. went to my favorite coffee house to sit and read the Powershot S2 manual made a couple of calls and drove home. this is the dash of my truck...testing my new camera's low light photography.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

my new toy....Powershot S2 is

another city photo.. behind a church

Flowers behind a church... how fitting... on Easter Sunday.

my town random photos

Easter Sunday was a quiet day in my hometown. It was kinda eeery because the town was pretty much closed down except for a handful of businesses, but it was a good day for photo stills of my home town.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Thursday, April 06, 2006

My Illegal Immigration 2 cents

1st Cent: Illegal immigration is what it is: A citizen from another country entering a country illegally.

2nd Cent: The fix?
1. Enforce current laws
2. Illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. should be documented and decide really if they want to be U.S. citizens,and get behind the line; if not? Leave or be deported.
3. Tighten the border enforcement.

"We need immigrants for work that Americans won't do."
Does this mean that immigrants then can be exploited? Of course not! These jobs are rejected by americans because of their low wages for the type of work. Immigrants take these jobs because the pay compared to their country of origin is a goldmine by their standars, but not by american standards.
Immigrants that only come to the U.S. for work and low pay, seem to only want to keep their allegiance to their home country and not become U.S. citizens. They have created for themselves small immigrant communities that do not challenge their culture or language, and not challenge them to assimilate to become U.S. citizens. They simply want to stay Mexican, or other Latinians... because we (the U.S.citizens and government) made it too easy for them to not assimilate.

I put the blame on U.S. citizens to to let this illegal immigration problem go on too long and now it has become too big a problem to solve without some pain involved.

BTW: I am a naturalized citizen, and I did it the legal way.

Tiny Vessels by Death Cab for Cutie

This is the moment that you know
That you told her that you loved her, but you don't
You touch her skin and then you think
That she is beautiful, but she don't mean a thing to me
Yeah, she is beautiful, but she don't mean a thing to me

I spent two weeks in Silver Lake
The California sun cascading down my face
There was a girl with light brown streaks
And she was beautiful, but she didn't mean a thing to me
Yeah she was beautiful, but she didn't mean a thing to me

I wanted to believe in all the words that I was speaking
As we moved together in the dark
And all the friends that I was telling
And all the playful misspellings
And every bite I gave you left a mark

As tiny vessels oozed into your neck
And formed the bruises
That you said you didn't want to fade
But they did and so did I that day

All I see are dark grey clouds
In the distance, moving closer with every hour
So when you'd ask, "Is something wrong?"
I'd think "You're damn right there is
But we can't talk about it now
No, we can't talk about it now"

So one last touch and then you'll go
And we'll pretend that it meant something so much more
But it was vile, and it was cheap
And you are beautiful, but you don't mean a thing to me
Yeah, you are beautiful, but you don't mean a thing to me
Yeah, you are beautiful, but you don't mean a thing to me

---------- commentary ----------
What I like about this song is its honesty. We sometimes go into relationships and not admit to ourselves what our true feelings are and continue on with the relationship. Great song... What do you think?
---------- end commentary ----------

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Compassion International

Sponsor a child with Compassion International.

This is a photo of the child I am sponsoring. He is from Indonesia.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

An evening at the Knitting Factory Hollywood

This is an attempt to take pictures inside a dimly lit Knitting Factory main stage, where 6 bands were performing. One of them was Pale Pacific from Seattle.

In order of appearance from Last to First: Controlling the Famous, Fielding, The Pale Pacific, Man Alive, ahmaste, Slow Runner

Notable performances were Slow Runner... the first band, with potential.
Pale Pacific of course... Fielding was a nice surprise... and finale with Controlling the Famous... nice catchy reggae-like beats and danceable tunes from this indy band.

Not so noteable: Man Alive... an Israeli punk band... and ahmaste...intersting, but not intersting enough...

Donald Fagen - Morph the Cat Concert

The evening with Donald Fagen band was amazingly tight. From the precise vocals down to the consistent drum beats. Everything was like a well oiled machine, a machine that produced amazing jazz-pop-ballads. Unfortunately i did not bring my camera because i thought I would not be allowed, but they didn't even check. So, this was the photo after the concert just outside the Wiltern Theater.