Tuesday, January 31, 2006

2 tacomas...

Just a photo taken one night as I finished practicing....

Saturday, January 28, 2006

L o n e l y

L_aughter unshared
O_ne is the loneliest number
N_o plans for tonight
E_verything but the girl
L_istening to my heartbeat
Y_es, it's only temporary

my parents... I love them!

Had lunch today with mom dad and my brother's family. They are about to go to the Philippines. We have many relatives in the Philippines.

more carsyn...

she's fascinated with the rocks... may she thinks it is potatoes mom says.

my niece and mom...

this is the newest addition to our family... carsyn... my niece.

One of my favorite things to do is help at church with sound engineering and working with musicians and vocalists. We have an amazing group of dedicated musicians. This was taken thursday nite.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Nuff said! ;)

oooh... Donald Fagen in concert!

I am a big Steely Dan fan, and the thought of going to see Donald Fagen.... I wanna go!
Wiltern Theater March 27

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Apple Store

I often go here for my computer fix. I took this photo because of the interesting light. Victoria Gardens Apple Store.

good morning shot!

Just a shot of espresso from my espresso machine....
delicious isn't it?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Finally a new season of 24! One of my favorite shows.
I also like: LOST, Invasion, Desperate Housewives....

I wish...

I wish
I can know you better
I wish
I could be a better friend
I wish
I can wait, and be patient
I wish
I can find my way into your world
I wish
you felt the same way....
I wish

Sunday, January 15, 2006


i love this store... just an example of the style of clothing... do you like?

come shopping with me!

Friday, January 13, 2006


This was my son's debut at performing a song he wrote and a couple cover songs by Coldplay (talk) and Switchfoot (On Fire).

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Home made espresso shot...

Good morning.... started off my day with a shot of espresso.
Beans from a local coffee house
Espresso Machine: Rancilio Sylvia
Grinder: Kitchen Aid Pro Line Burr Grinder :)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Ok... i splurged...well anyway, my older digital camera Sony F707 is still a great camera, but I wanted the flexibility of interchangeable lenses, and well, I have been asked to take photos for a friend's mother's wedding. With two cameras, I think I can be set. I love my Nikon D50. What camera(s) do you all have?

Happy New Year!

I know... I almost forgot I had this blog @ blogspot. Alot has happened in 2005. I visited the Philippines since I emigrated to Canada --> U.S. since age 7. Wow, alot has changed and some things never changed. What has changed the most is the sheer number of people crowded into Manila. The countryside/provinces have remained pretty much as I remembered.
The photo is from Havasupai, Arizona. This is an amazing hiking trip I took in October. The falls are magnificent and breath-taking.
I have taken up Guitar and Bass as a little hobby, and slowly playing some gigs with my church praise group.
I hope 2006, brings you joy, peace, and happiness! God Bless!

Saturday, January 07, 2006